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Halilts Newsletter: December 16, 2024

Posted Date: 12/16/24 (10:33 PM)

Halilts Elementary
Halilts Sunrise
December 16, 2024
Inside this Newsletter
  • Note from the principal
  • BISD District Spirit Week
  • 4th Grade Concert
  • x̌alilc PTO Information
  • Helpline House Kids Pantry
  • Lost and Found
  • Calendar
  • Helpful Information/Links
Rhonda picture
Notes from the Principal
Dear Orca Families, 

We are counting down the days to winter break this week here at x̌alilc and looking forward to Saturday when the darkness of the days turns towards light! In the meantime, we are keeping structures and routines at school to ensure students are engaged in learning and keep the main thing, the main thing. 

Today we had a Shelter-in-Place Drill. During a shelter-in-place, students and staff take refuge in the school building in response to a potentially hazardous situation outside like a chemical spill, severe weather, or a downed power line. Staff close windows to isolate the interior of the building, but movement and learning continues inside the building. This was NOT a Lockdown drill and most students experienced no impact at all.

In January, we will start our winter assessments. I am excited to see student progress since September. We have seen growth in social, emotional, and behavior skills and are expecting much the same in academics; we know that one follows the other! Students learn best when school is a place where they feel safe to take chances in their learning and feel encouragement from their peers!

I hope you and your family can enjoy time together over the break! We look forward to seeing you in the New Year!

Rhonda Walton
District Spirit Week
4th Grade Concert
Cookie Exchange
Thanks x̌alilc PTO!
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the cookie exchange and hot chocolate bar! The staff had so much fun making boxes of treats for their families.

Your generosity is beyond our imagination!
After School Activities
x̌alilc After-School Activities
Our PTO sponsored after-school clubs are a hit! Registration is now open for our winter sessions. Check out these favorites!

This club is available to students in 2nd-4th grade. Over the course of the session, children will play soccer, basketball, tennis, baseball, bowling, court hockey, football, and dodgeball.
  • Day: Tuesdays
  • Time: 2:20 pm-3:45 pm
  • Dates: January 14 to March 4 (no session 2/18)
  • Cost: $115
  • Registration link: Winter session

Black Knights Chess Club 
This club is available to students in 1st-4th grade. Chess is an amazing game that teaches strategy Players of all levels are welcome—beginners to kids who have been playing for years! 
  • Day: Wednesdays
  • Time: 2:20 pm-4:00 pm
  • Dates: January 15 to March 5 (no session 2/12 and 2/19)
  • Cost: $120
  • Registration link: Winter session
  • Registration link: Spring session (3/12 to 4/23 - no session on 4/9)

More Activities Coming!
We are excited to add additional after-school activities starting this winter. Stay tuned for details after winter break! Do you have an idea for an after-school club? E-mail with your ideas!
Food Drive
x̌alilc PTO
This week we wrap up our food drive to benefit Helpline House! To match the greatest areas of need, each grade level has been assigned specific items to collect. Boxes to collect items are in.

Halilts Food Drive
Two more days to bring items!
  • Kindergarten/preschool: PB&J Drive (jams, jellies, nut butters, and sun butter)
  • First Grade: Canned Proteins (poultry, fish, meat) and Evaporated or Condensed Milk
  • Second Grade: Canned Chili and/or Pasta sauce
  • Third Grade: Granola/Snack/Protein bars
  • Fourth grade: Personal hygiene items (toothpaste, soap, feminine products)
Helpline House
Helpline House Kids Pantry Bags
Helpline House, in partnership with Rotary, is offering Kids' Pantry Bags to provide youth with food during Winter Break. Each bag provides enough food for one youth for a week. Kids Pantry Bags can also be delivered if you email Sarah Frost prior to December 20th.

Picking up Bags:
  • Dates: December 23 - January 3
  • Days: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays. 
  • Closed: Wednesdays, Christmas Day & New Year's Day.
  • Times: between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Location: Helpline House at 282 Knechtel Way, NE. 

For additional information: Helpline House Kids' Pantry
Helpline image
Lost and Found
Lost and Found - Unclaimed items donated on December 20, 2024
Our lost and found is full! Please be sure to check the lost and found before winter break. All unclaimed items will be Donated on December 20th.  

Remember to label coats and jackets, as well as lunch boxes. We’d love to be able to reconnect your child with their misplaced gear. Sharpies are a great option as are purchased clothing stickers from online vendors. Save yourself time and money and label their gear. 
x̌alilc Calendar
16-20: District Wide Spirit Week
18: Food Drive Ends
18: 4th Grade Music Concert @ 6:00 pm
23-31: Winter Break - No School

1-3: Winter Break - No School
6: School Resumes
15: Kindergarten Information Night @ 6:00 pm at x̌alilc (Halilts) Elementary
15: PTO Parent/Guardian Night Out
20: Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday - No School
24: PTO Meeting @ 9:00 am in Library
24: PTO Bingo Night @ 5:00 pm in Commons
Helpful Links
x̌alilc Information & Links
K-4 School Hours
  • Monday: 7:50-12:50
  • Tuesday-Friday: 7:50-2:20

Preschool Hours:
  • AM: 7:45-10:15
  • PM: 11:45-2:20

Phone Numbers
  • Main office: 206-842-4411
  • Attendance: 206-780-3050 or
  • After-school Transportation: 206-780-3002 or

Helpful Links
Non-Discrimination Statement
Bainbridge Island School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups.

The following employee has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Kristen Haizlip, Civil Rights Coordinator and Title IX Compliance Officer 8489 Madison Ave. N, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110; 206-780-1058;  BISD: All Are Welcome