No parking along the curb in front of the school at any time.
No parking in the bus loop during drop-off or pick-up. You may park in the back half of the bus
loop for volunteering or meetings after 8:15 am and leaving before 1:45 pm.
Morning Drop-Off
Rolling drop off lane 7:35 to 7:50 am
- Pull forward to any open spot along the sidewalk so your child(ren) exit the car onto the
- sidewalk.
- Pull forward along the sidewalk as far as possible to allow the maximum number of cars
- to pull in and drop off students.
- Have student(s) ready to get out of the car to facilitate a smooth process for everyone.
- If your child(ren) are not ready or you need additional time, pull into a parking spot.
Afternoon Pick-Up
Rolling pick-up from 2:20 to 2:30
- Pull forward to open spots 1 - 5 along the sidewalk so your child(ren) enter the car from
- the sidewalk.
- Wait to be directed to an open spot along the curb. The line must move continually – no
- parking in line.
- Do not leave your car unless parked in a designated parking spot.
- Do not double park.
We know that parking is difficult. If there are no spots available, park on Day Road or North
Madison and walk up to the school. Please do not park on Crown Avenue.
When parking on the street, be sure to park within the white lines, officers will give tickets if a
car is parked unsafely or is impeding traffic.